
Genealogy is becoming a popular activity with many families endeavoring to uncover their family trees. The internet has made the task a lot easier both in improving access to information and by allowing people tracing the same families to share what they have discovered.
The best known Ogbourne Genealogy site is below. We’d love to add more sites or notices from people trying to track down information.
The following site has gathered a lot of information about the village of Ogbourne St George, including doomsday extracts, history and family names
To quote the site opening words…
Historical & Genealogical Information relating to the names of Ogbourne, Ogborne, Ogborn, Ogburn and the earlier forms of OCHEBURNE & OKEBOURNE in England and the USA.
CuriousFox, the village by village contact site for anyone researching family history, genealogy and local history in the UK and Ireland.
Clair Jefferies
Jul 14, 2008 at 4:55 pm
Please could anyone tell me if they have any information on the Pecks living in Ogbourne St George.?
My husbands gt granmother was Fanny Louisa Peck, and her mother was Mary Peck. Mary Married Joseph Gainey but we do not know who her father was. We do know that Mary’s father was Thomas Peck.Does anyone know if the cottages they lived in still exist?
We would be very grateful forany information.
Regards Clair and Robert.
I am researching Davis of Ogbourne
Oct 16, 2008 at 4:59 am
Can you put me incontact with Davis researchers in Ogbourne Wiltshire
Thank you
Chris Davis
Robert Burton
Jan 7, 2009 at 3:06 am
Searching for early (1630-1632) marriage records in Ogbourne between Wm. Hatcher and Marion Newport.
Thank you
Robert Burton, USA
Russell Fisher
Jan 20, 2009 at 5:44 pm
Many thanks for a fantastic website. I’m hoping someone will have some memory of my family living in the village.
My great grandparents were Henry and Ellen Fisher. They lived on High Street. He was a carter and died sometime in the late 30s/early 40s. Interestingly, he was the only son of James and Rachel Fisher, Rachel being famously the last-ever resident of Snap.
My granparents were Ern and Hester Fisher. Again, they lived on the High Street and, I think, he was employed at Park Farm. Hester worked in one of the station’s signal boxes during WWII. In the late 40s I think they moved from one of the terrraces of thatched cottages (now demolished) and moved into “The Ferns”. In the early 50s they left the village and moved to Butts Ash in the New Forest. She died at the grand old age of 103 in 1998.
And my father is Jim Fisher, born 1920. He had an elder sister, “Bob”, and two younger sisters Rene and, the youngest, Marion. He attended the village school and began work with Frees cabinetmakers in Marlborough in the mid 30s. He married Lily in 1945 at the village church and they left the village in the late 40s for a brief stint in Toronto before returning to settle in Scotland. They’re both still going strong up in Dundee, but I live in Wiltshire these days and – at 88 – he’d love to hear of anyone (or from anyone) who has memories of his family in the village or, indeed, any pictures dating from the 20s/30s/40s. Many thanks!
Russell Fisher
Eric Leggett
Feb 24, 2009 at 11:16 pm
This year was the third visit that my wife Meg and I have undertaken to Ogbourne St. George. We first visited in 2005, when we stayed with Rebecca and Keith Macdonald and family’s B@B for four months. I came to research my ancestory and was able to discover some of the missing links of the my mother’s Lee side of our family. John Lee, was the 6th and final child of Edward Lee, b.c.1748, in Mavesyn Ridware, STS. John Lee was born Oct.1778 in Mavesyn Ridware and baptised in St. Nicholas Church on 8th November 1778. He married Alice Bentley, 13th December 1810, in St. Michael’s Litchfield STS. John Lee died in 1854 in Ogbourne St. George, and Alice (A.N.A. ‘Ally’), died March 1857 in Ogbourne St. George. Both were buried in the church yard. They had 8 children who all lived in Ogbourne St. George. 4 were born in STS and the other 4 were born in Ogbourne St. George. The eldest was John Lee, b. c. 1812 who married Mary Cruse in Ogbourne St. George. The offspring of this couple were Samuel b.1834, d. 1914 Urbenville Australia; Emma Lee; Edwin Lee b1837, d. Townsville Australia; Aaron Lee b.1840, d. 13.5.1932 Sydney Australia(my G. Grandfather); Rhoda Lee; Tryphena Lee.
There are no further Lee relations at present in Ogbourne St. George, but some of the Cruse descendants are in Chiseldon, Pewsey and other parts of Wiltshire.
Our second visit was in 2007 when unfortunately, I developed celluliitis in the left foot and experienced the Medicos in Marlborough and the Hospital at Swindon. We late returned home via Japan.
In November 2007, Meg and i had our 50th (Golden) wedding aniverary. we had over a 100 guests and old friends with us at our dinner. The Macdonald Family came to Woy Woy to stay with us and be with us at the celebration.
Finally, we were in Ogbourne St. George in January this year again staying at the Macdonald’s B&B. It was a short visit on this occasion as we were only there for about 10 days. We had returned to Australia via Japan where our second son lives with his family, and were able to watch the BBC news and watch the snow falls that were particularly heavy in your part of the world.
If any other reader is researching the Lee or Cruse Families I would welcome their information.
frederick cartman
Apr 20, 2009 at 10:16 pm
Hi Janet Jesson i remember you of course we all lived in liddiard green and attended the same school ,I hope your keeping well.
Nicola Smith
Jul 23, 2009 at 8:24 pm
Re. Clair Jefferies
My great great grandfather is Joseph Gainey who married Mary Peck on 15 Jan 1878 in Ogbourne(we have a copy of the marriage certificate) It shows her father was Thomas Peck and we believe her mother was Ann Skeates. We have quite a lot of further information which we can make available if you want.
We have recently placed all our information on
Nicola Smith
Christine Phillips
Aug 28, 2009 at 9:23 pm
Does anyone have any information about Charles Brown living in Gales Cottage Ogbourne St. George at the time of the 1881 Census? His son William who moved to South Wales was my great grandfather.
Jack Blanchard
Oct 8, 2009 at 3:35 pm
My great great grandmother was Eliza Blanchard born about 1803 in Ogbourne St George. Her father was Stephen Blanchard, a farmer.
Any information available, please?
Bob Watts
Nov 3, 2009 at 8:03 pm
My Grandfather was, I believe, born in Ogbourne St George in 1894. If he was not born there then I think he spent his young life there and then moved to the Cirencester area. He ended his life in Brize Norton, Oxfordshire where I still live. I would appreciate any news of the Cook family in Ogbourne St George. Bob Watts.
Bob Watts
Nov 3, 2009 at 8:16 pm
Sorry I forgot to mention that my Grandfathers name was Charles Cook but he may have been christened either Charles Ernest or Ernest Charles. Bob Watts
Diane Conway
Jan 3, 2010 at 6:29 pm
I have traced my 4 x great grandfather Alder Batt 1717 to Ogbourne St. George his father was John born in nearby Ramsbury his mother was named Elizabeth, I do not know her maiden name but there was an Elizabeth Alder in the village and she could have named her son with her maiden name of Alder, I cannot trace her marriage but she had a son born in 1702. Has anyone any information on this or where I can purchase a copy of marriages?
David Baldwin
Feb 15, 2010 at 2:46 pm
I’m glad a stumbled across this site, I’ve been doing some research in my family history. Henry Arthur Langley Ogbourne was my granddad’s name, i don’t know if anyone has heard of him?
I know he was in boarding school most of he’s child hood and attended Marlborough college.
My granddads father was Charles ***** Langley Ogbourne. And He’s father was Kenneth **** Langley Ogbourne.
I know one of he’s ambitions was to buy back the family home, so i would love to know which house (possibly a manor, hearing stories from when i was child.)
Any information would be appreciated – My email is
Terry Baldwin
Mar 28, 2010 at 7:06 pm
Hi Frederick Cartman,
I remember you too. Remember our fight outside Mrs Olive’s house? ha ha.. how’s Tanya too?
frederick cartman
Mar 30, 2010 at 4:29 pm
terry baldwin,
I don`t remember the fight but we were all rascals then, Tania is well and living in sussex and still have brothers and sister in Swindon.I now live in Devon.
Kay Newark
Apr 7, 2010 at 9:09 pm
I am researching the family of James Cockell born 1799 in Ogbourne St George – I have little detail other than I believe his father to be John Cockell and his mother Sophia – I would be so grateful if anyone has any information at all.
Many thanks
Kay Newaark
Diane Conway
Apr 8, 2010 at 10:37 am
For Kay Newark.
I have a copy of the OSG Baptisms & Burials 1579-1837 and there are some Cockells transcribed in it. James’ parents were John and Sophia, he was christened on 24th July 1799. He had several siblings, Mary 18th December 1796, Edmund 29th December 1805, Harriet 18th September 1808 all with the surname spelt Cockell, then there was Elizabeth 26th May 1793 and Betsey 3rd August 1794, parents John and Sophia but with the surname spelt Cockle, then Susanna July 1802, Isaac 7th October, 1804 parents John and Sophia but with the surname spelt Cockel. Then there was George 24th December, parents Edmund and Harriet and Susanna christened 25th April 1824 at St. Peter’s, Marlborough she was the daughter of James and Ann, James is described as a carpenter. In the burials there is Isaac 1805 who was probably the one born in 1804 and Elizabeth 1793 who was probably the one also born in 1793, both possibly infant deaths.
Diane Conway
Apr 8, 2010 at 10:44 am
Does anyone have any information on the Batt family or the Alder family.
Kay Newark
Apr 9, 2010 at 6:42 pm
Thank you so much for taking the time to let me have all this really really useful information. I am very much obliged.
Kay Newark
Chris Lockley-Jones
May 15, 2010 at 10:47 pm
Seeking information regarding Family research on John William-Shurgold born in the village in 1851 approx. Married Emma Jane Shergold ( please note difference in spelling of surname) around 1880, I believe his trade was Master Butcher in the area.
Many thanks.
Cindy Dill Rosenthal
Jun 7, 2010 at 9:41 pm
I understand that my ancestor Willianm Titcomb who sailed to the US Mass in the early 1600s on the ship JHercules was from this town. My mother is a Titcomb and her ancestors settled Newburyport Mass. We are traveling to England July 7yh and woto visit the town.
margaret brindley
Jul 6, 2010 at 10:00 pm
i am going into my family 3xgreatgrandfatherwas thomas cumner.he was married to ann cumner{nee davies}.born around 1881 both of them.i also have a john cumnerwho married a mary wills on 20 th dec 1787 in ogbourne st george.can anyone help with any information.thank you
Karen Povey
Aug 4, 2010 at 11:35 am
Does anyone have any information on the Boyles Family or the cottage they lived in near the church (the cottage does not now exist). My grandmother who was born in 1900 came from Ogbourne St George.
Walter Cockle
Aug 6, 2010 at 1:54 pm
There are numerous Cockle/Cockell names in the Parishes near Ogbourne St. George. In particular in Compton Bassett, Hilmarton, and a few in Wroughton. You should consult the Parish Registers of Births, Marriages and Burials, and the pre-1858 Wills for these areas. You should contact Wiltshire and Swindon Archives and Swindon History Centre, Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN 15 3QN. e.mail Tel.01249 705500.
Kay Newark
Aug 10, 2010 at 11:30 am
Walter, thank you very much for the information – can’t wait to get searching!
Elizabeth Bond
Aug 22, 2010 at 10:14 pm
I’m researching The Cruse family from OSG from 1700 – 1800, I am a desendant of the family and I would love to know anything about the family.
Aug 23, 2010 at 5:09 pm
for Diane Conway
hi I was wondering if you could help me with a burial, my cousins have john weldon champneys in their ancestry. we know he became vicar of OSG aug 10th 1794 and married a mary braithwaite on Oct 5th 1797 at Ogbourne. they have been told at this wedding his status was widower and mary was a minor.was his first wife buried at OSG if so when and what was her name. we dont know if he married her there but think it likely that she maybe buried there. your help would be appreciated as i have no idea where to look. kind regards sue
Diane Conway
Aug 26, 2010 at 5:29 pm
Send me you e-mail address via mine I am a member of Ancestry and have been doing some digging on John Weldon Champneys, there are several trees with him in, but some are conflicting and there are some stories about his life and his father’s life he married Martha Merriman after Mary died he and Martha had 2 sons, his father Weldon Champneys was born in 1736 London and was also a vicar.
Margaret Gibson
Sep 7, 2010 at 12:14 pm
To Eric Leggett
The Mary Cruse who married John Lee is my 3x great aunt. If you post an e-mail address I would like to share information with you.
Eric Leggett
Sep 8, 2010 at 12:27 am
The Macdonald B&B in Ogbourne St G. will gladly give you my contact. I think the editor of this publication can supply it also. Look forward to hear from you as I have the Lee family completed.
Jamie Briscoe
Sep 26, 2010 at 1:41 am
My birth name is James Ogburn IV, born in Canada. Trying to trace back family ancestry, which as I understand is from Wiltshire, most likely Ogbourne St.George. I believe the last ancestor I can trace back to England is great grandfather, James Ogburn (the first). Any info greatly appreciated. Thank you! Also, is there actually a confirmed Viking connection with the area? Very interesting reading.
simon o’corra
Jan 4, 2011 at 5:47 pm
I am seeking information on Susanna Lewes Hole married in Ogbourne in 1838 to Reverend John Jeffery of Otterhampton/Huntspill in Somerset
I would love to know anything pertaining to both parties
Barbar Gault
Jan 23, 2011 at 9:25 pm
I am trying to find Melody Payne born in October 1799 in OSG.
She married William Gunter around 1822, he came from Berkshire. They are unusual names and I am frustrated not to be able to find them. Please can anyone help me?
Thank you!
Diane Conway
Jan 25, 2011 at 12:15 pm
I have a copy of the Ogbourne St. George Baptisms & Burials 1679-1837. Melody Pain is listed as being baptised on October 6th 1799 daughter of Robert and Mary. She had siblings Maria January 6th 1793, Ann November 31st 1796, Robert and Mary December 5th 1802 and then the name changes to Payne John Lawrence July 28th 1805, and William April 30th 1809. There are no burials or baptisms listed under Gunter.
k lacey
Feb 3, 2011 at 7:22 pm
For Karen Povey Aug 2010
If you can forward your Email address I can supply some info also a contact for two Boyles sisters I met in Ogbourne within the last decade
Jack Blanchard Oct 2009
Blanchards listed in my family birthday book, I know at least one place they lived for many years and there is also a living descendant in the Bournemouth area that I personally know
M Lee-Williams
Feb 13, 2011 at 7:31 pm
I have traced my family to the Lee Family of Ogbourne St George. I believe I am a direct decedent of John Lee and Alice (Alley) Lee. Need to know the names of the 8 children of John Lee and Alice (Alley) Lee to confirm my lineage. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Diane Conway nee Batt
Feb 13, 2011 at 8:58 pm
I have looked in my Ogbourne St. George Baptisms & Burials 1579 – 1837 and I have found John baptised 13 January 1793 his parents were William Lee and Ann Cole. I have found only 5 children Jane baptised 29 April 1821, Henry baptised April 27 1823, Joseph baptised 29 May 1825, Robert baptised 17 September 1827, Hester baptised 18 July 1830. I also found just these 5 in the IGI Batch sections.
Janet Goddard
Apr 4, 2011 at 3:15 pm
I have traced my husband’s family back to Ogbourne St George. His 8x Gr Grandparents were Vincent and Margaret Goddard who had 10 children all baptised in the village around 1670/80. If anyone has more information on the family or details of the parish records at this time I would be most grateful for any infromation.
Diane Conway
Apr 4, 2011 at 9:12 pm
For Janet Goddard,
I have a copy of the Ogbourne St. George Baptisms & Burials 1579-1837 and there are 67 Goddard Baptisms from 1662-1832. There are 2 Vincents 1673/4 and 1677 2 Vincent burials 1675/6 and 1723/4 and 1 Margaret burial 1686.
If you need any more details send me the christian names.
Keith Macdonald
May 28, 2011 at 5:32 pm
@ M Lee-Williams
I’m sure you must be related to Eric Leggett and his John and Alice Lee, and Eric will have the names you seek. He is hoping to return here this June, and will be staying with us at The Sanctuary. If you would like to get in contact, maybe meet him, please email him, or me: keith at
Jun 18, 2011 at 1:19 pm
Hi looking for any help with my Blake Family i have got has far has Roger Blake Bap 1551 married Joane Somerset bap ? Married ?
thankyou for any help
Kind Regards
Diana Conway nee Batt
Jun 18, 2011 at 6:33 pm
I have a copy of the Parish Registers & Bishops Transcript Ogbourne St. George Baptisms & Burials 1579-1837, so Roger Blake 1551 is before this booklet, but I found a Roger Blake baptised 17 Jan 1552 in Calne, Wiltshire and marrying Joane Somerset on 22 Nov 1591 in Burbage, Wiltshire her father was Edmund Somerset. Roger was buried on 4 Aug 1634 in Dorley, Burbage, Wiltshire. They had children, Cuthbert baptised 3 Apr 1603, John 4 Mar 1594/5, Roger 7 Aug 1597, Joan 9 Jan 1600 and Richard 27 Sep 1707 all baptised in Burbage. I also found Roger Blake baptised 1466 in Calne, Wiltshire son of Robert and Margaret, they may have been his grandparents. In the OSG booklet there are baptisms for Richard 4 Aug 1622, Dorothy 15 Aug 1625, Marrian 14 Apr 1628 and Margeret 20 Oct 1633 all children of Nathaniel. Richard 9 Feb 1667, Nathaniel 15 Feb 1669, John 23 Jul 1672 and William 30 Oct 1676 all children of Richard and Mary.
Nathoniell 29 Jul 1722 son of William & Mary of Aldbourne.
Martha 28 Apr 1754 daughter of Nathaniel & Martha of Minal.
The burials are Marrian 3 Jul 1630 daughter of Nathaniel, Richard 20 Aug 1704, Mary 9 Sep 1711 of Aldbourne wife of William, William 14 Oct 1742 of Aldbourne, William 4 May 1756, Mary 23 May 1774, and Ann 3 Nov 1782.
Jun 19, 2011 at 2:32 pm
To Diana Conway Thankyou for your help sorry my Roger Blake was bap 1552
also i dont know who Richard 1622 Dorothy 1625 Marrian 1628 Margaret 1633 are
thanks again susan
Yvonne Neal
Jun 24, 2011 at 7:05 am
For Clair Jefferies
Your Fanny Peck is my g. grandmother’s sister. I do not know whether Joseph Gainey was her natural father – have you checked the parish records.
My direct e-mail is if you want to get in touch.
Peter Brind
Jun 29, 2011 at 2:49 pm
I have a copy of the will of Vincent Brind 1605 from Ogbourne St George. He was my 11x great grandfather. According to the will his youngest son was Edmund and his wife Agnes. Do you know if there are any other Brinds (sometimes Brynd(e) or even Brine) in Ogbourne?
I do know that a George Brind of Wroughton had a brother called Edmund living in Ogbourne in 1671.
Diane Conway
Jun 30, 2011 at 5:44 pm
There are no Brinds or Brynd(e) but there are 5 Brines in between 1579 – 1837 baptised at Ogbourne St. George – Henri son of Vincent 28th January 1589, no name daughter of William 7th October 1610, Elizabeth daughter of Vincent 3rd January 1621, Richard base born (illegitimate) son of Jane 26th January 1639/40 and Susan daughter of John 16th December 1621. There is 1 Brinne – Anne daughter of William 18th August 1607 and 2 Brynes – Matthew 2nd March 1586/7 daughter (this may be a misprint as it is a boys name) of Clement and Ellin, Henrie son of Vincent 16th May 1589. There are 2 Brinds that were buried there – Jhon (this is how it is spelt in the parish register) 28th March 1594, Clary 1st March 1666/7. There is 1 Brinde – Clement 26th September. There is 1 Brinn – Ann (widow) 10th March 1684/5 and there is 1 Brins – Vincent 23rd January 1623/4. In the nearby village of Ogbourne St. Andrew there is 1 Brynde – John baptised 8th September 1583 no parents mentioned.
Peter Brind
Jul 1, 2011 at 3:17 pm
Thank you so much – that is very helpful. I have recently deciphered Vincent Brind of Ogbourne’s will and he names his wife as Agnes and his youngest son as Edmund. If you are interested in my transcript you would be most welcome.
Peter Brind
Walter Cockle
Jul 2, 2011 at 12:55 pm
The group of Brine/Brinn/Bryne/Brind/Brinde surnames round Ogbourne St George and Ogbourne St Andrew from 1583 onwards which Diane Conway has identified for Peter Brind contains many with French Christian names. This suggests a possible Huguenot origin, for the first large flight of Huguenots to England began after the massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572. The French word ‘une Brinde’ means ‘a toast’, as in ‘to drink a toast’. The French surname ‘Brind’ Amour’ i.e. ‘Toast of of Love’ survives in the the French speaking provinces of Canada. You will find much information on the Huguenot settlement in England from The Huguenot Library, University College London, Gower Street, London Wc1E 6BT ( Tel. 0171 380 7094).
Peter Brind
Jul 2, 2011 at 1:13 pm
Thank you for your comments Walter. However there is another group of Brinds in South Marston, Highworth area who predate 1572. We have wills and other documents about Brinds from at least 1514.
There are also Brinds mentioned earlier than that – but I will check the Huguenot origin as our DNA profile suggests Celtic origin.
Peter Brind
Peter Brind
Jul 2, 2011 at 1:24 pm
There is also a Thomas Brynde and a John Brynde named in the 1539 musters in Ogbourne St George recorded in Sir Thomas Phillip’s book published in 1834. R J Heaton has catalogued all the names from the North Wiltshire Musters from 30th year of the reign of Henry VIII [1539].
Peter Brind
Aug 21, 2011 at 8:01 pm
I have seen Diana Conways post re Baptisms and burials 1679-1837 could you tell me where I might see a copy of this book please researching Swadden. Swatton.
Thank you Judy
Diana Conway
Aug 21, 2011 at 8:16 pm
I purchased the Baptisms and Burials 1679-1837 booklet on line from the ‘Wiltshire Family History Society
Sep 25, 2011 at 8:34 pm
A bit of a long shot but does anyone have any information of Benjamin Dixon Snr along with his wife Sarah and son Benjamin Dixon Jnr. they were both farmers in the local district employing a number of labourers between them. They were farming in Ogbourne St George circa 1851.
I’m researching my partners family history and any information no matter how small will be welcomed.
Diane Conway
Oct 3, 2011 at 7:18 pm
I am a member of Ancestry and have found several members researching this family. They have Benjamin Dixon baptised 23 Oct 1782 in Marlborough, Wilts and buried 15 Feb Ogbourne St. George. He married Sarah Hobbs in 1812 who was baptised 23 May 1789 in Marlborough. They had 3 sons Thomas 1813, William 1815, Benjamin 1817 and 1 daughter Mary Ann 1820 – 1825. There are a few differences with these trees and the census’, in the 1871 census Benjamin birth year is 1821 his wife is Ann 1831, sons William 1857 Thomas 1859, Walter 1861 and Alfred 1870.
Diane Conway
Oct 3, 2011 at 7:24 pm
In the 1841 census Benjamin Snr is a baker and farmer, in 1851 he is a farmer of 35 acres employing 3 labourers his wife is a shopkeeper baker. In 1851 Benjamin Jnr is a farmer of 250 acres employing 14 labourers. In 1881 Benjamin lives at Laynes Farm, Ogbourne St. George. Benjamin Snr’s parents are Benjamin 1748 Sarah Over 1742 Marlborough before them Benjamin 1721 Ramsbury, Wiltshire Anne Lawrence 1722 before them Thomas 1695 Ramsbury Ruth Potter 1695 before them John 1663 Aldbourne, Wiltshire before him Zacharia 1633 Wiltshire Ann 1635 Wiltshire.
Oct 7, 2011 at 4:35 pm
Does any one have any details on the Swadden/Swatton (Robert) family circ 1811 – 1881 ? Robert worked on a farm in the area that is all I know any help would be really helpful, Thanks Judy
Yvonne Neal
Nov 12, 2011 at 9:10 am
I have a Robert Swatton baptised 26 April 1807 at Ogbourne St Andrew, who married a Sarah Wilkins.
If this is who you are looking for, please e-mail me at
jan wright
Nov 23, 2011 at 2:00 pm
does anyone have any details of Esther Jane Sims married Alfred Redman 1877
Andrew L. Smith
Apr 12, 2012 at 12:51 am
My GGGGrandfather, Knightly Smith, was born in Ogbourne St George – per the 1841, 1851 and 1861 England Census as well as the England Wales Free BMD Death Index of 1886. I am seeking his Baptism Records as well as information about his
> parents and siblings – of which I have none. His birth year is between 1784 and 1786 in Ogbourne St. George and he died in 1886 in Nottinghamshire. He lived in Rowde, Devises and Calne – where he was the innkeeper at the Talbot. His wife was Hester Line and they had 4 children (George b 1814; Isaac b 1826; Thomas b 1829 and Pricilla b 1830.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. My email address is Sincerely, Andrew Leslie Smith
Valerie Johnson
May 8, 2012 at 1:46 pm
Wonder if anyone can help me on the name Rushen. My Gt Gt Grandmother was born in Ogbourne St George , her baptisim is on line for 02/03/1801. There was also a Jemima baptized on the same day. Both had the same mothers name down as Mary but no fathers nane. I know the family all came from around that area but can find so little information, any help would be gratefully received
Many Thanks
Jul 8, 2012 at 3:51 am
Would like info on John Cockell, Wiltshire ..married to an Emma. Father of John Walter Cockell , moved to nova scotia Canada.
When John walter was one he and Emma took ship to Canada . Lived in Sydney, married Laura McLeod . Had Walter, Daisey, Lois, Albert- Bernard, and russel .
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Keith Macdonald
Jul 8, 2012 at 8:36 pm
@Pat –
have you seen the previous comments on the Cockle/Cockell family?
Diane Conway (Apr 8, 2010 at 10:37 am)
and Walter Cockle (Aug 6, 2010 at 1:54 pm)
You might be interested in Eric Leggett’s comment (Feb 24, 2009 at 11:16 pm) on the Lee family that moved to Sydney Australia as well.
Jul 8, 2012 at 9:09 pm
Thank you Keith , I should have been. More accurate .. My father and his father lived in Sydney nova scotia,Canada .
I have more details.. My grandfather John Walter Cockell was born 10 march 1883 in trowbridge, Wiltshire. His father was James Cockell..born 24 June 1836 west bury England
His father ( my great great grandfather was john Cockell born 25 may, 1810 west bury,Wiltshire. He as married to Jane dole dob 27 jan, 1814
Then I only have the name of my G. G. G grandfather as. John Cockell (guess they liked that name John!)
I was hoping for some detailed info, employment, baptismal records ,addresses and cause of death etc.
Jul 8, 2012 at 9:22 pm
Walter Cockle mentions Cockell/Cockle who lived in Compton Bassett, Hilmarton, and a few in Wroughton.
Hilmarton is now a suburb of Trowbridge, so there could be a link between you.
The archive centre is in Trowbridge, and online here:
Jul 9, 2012 at 1:39 am
Thank you I will check that out.
John Bowering
Jul 16, 2012 at 7:57 pm
A Mr Leggett, his wife and his very beautiful daughter owned the fish and chip shop in Wroughton during the 1950 -60s.
Tony Briar
Sep 5, 2012 at 5:08 pm
I may have an answer for Valerie Johnson to her post of May 8th 2012. I too have relatives called “Rushen” and can trace family members back to 17th century. If the moderator would let each of us know the other’s email address we can compare notes.
Roslyn jacobs(lovelock)
Oct 10, 2012 at 6:50 am
I am Roslyn lovelock (parents John & Dorothy Brother Stewart) Grandmothers Family name Hawkins. Long time residents of Ogbourne St George. I have many memories of Ogbourne. The most idyllic Childhood I could have wished for. My parents have many many pictures of old Ogbourne and stories too. Feel free to e mail me for information.
Pauline Mobey
Oct 20, 2012 at 5:08 pm
I am researching the famous Popham family of Littlecote House where I am a tour guide. I am especially keen to identify “ALEXANDER POPHAM OF OGBORN” who died 4 Jan 1719 and was buried at Chilton Foliat. Alexander rented the Manor at Ogbourne: John Jefferyes of Ogbourne leased it for 8 years in 1714 to “Alexander Popham of Littlecote”.
I am also interested in EDWARD POPHAM of Ogbourne: the following appears in the National Archives: “Appointment by the Provost, etc. of King’s College, Cambridge, of Edward Popham of ‘Okebourn’ as gamekeeper of Great Okebourn [Ogbourne St. George] and Little Okebourn [Ogbourne St. Andrew] in county of Wilts, 1755.
Does anyone have any information on these two? I would be delighted to hear. My website is at
Michael Heath
Nov 5, 2012 at 9:20 pm
I am looking for information about James Heath born 1803 in Ogbourne St. Andrew died 1889 age 86. He married Sarah Sawyer on Oct. 1838. James had an elder brother John who was battised in Ogbourne st. Andrew on Jan. 30, 1791.There parents were Thomas and Esther. thomas married Esther Smith on nov. 14, 1790.
Any information about the Heath famioly is desired.
Michael Heath
Nov 5, 2012 at 9:20 pm
I am looking for information about James Heath born 1803 in Ogbourne St. Andrew died 1889 age 86. He married Sarah Sawyer on Oct. 1838. James had an elder brother John who was battised in Ogbourne st. Andrew on Jan. 30, 1791.There parents were Thomas and Esther. thomas married Esther Smith on nov. 14, 1790.
Any information about the Heath family is desired.
Keith Macdonald
Nov 7, 2012 at 6:56 pm
Michael – have you tried the Ogbourne St Andrew website?
Chris Holloway
Feb 18, 2013 at 9:21 pm
Hi I am trying to trace Oliver Claridge’s family from Ogbourne St. George my mothers cousin. In the 1930s my mother Margaret Reeves, Howard, Raymond and Irene would visit a farm for 6 weeks every summer. Does anyone remember them.
Sheryl Butcher
May 2, 2013 at 12:59 am
I am researching Cruse family Ogbourne, Uk. and have information on Mary Cruse who married John Lee in 1833. If interested please contact
Sheryl Butcher [nee Cruse]
Keith Macdonald
May 2, 2013 at 11:57 am
Hi Sheryl – we are in contact with Erig and Meg Leggett who are also descended from the Cruse and Lee family – they would be delighted to get any information and make contact with a relative.
Sheryl Butcher
May 4, 2013 at 5:46 am
Hi Keith
Could you email me direct at with regards to Mary Cruse and John Lee. I am not a relative direct from this line but from her brother Thomas.
Also William Cruse married Ann Lee and Hannah Cruse married Richard Lee, do not know if they are all from the same family.
Susan Mansfield
Aug 4, 2013 at 10:56 am
William Joseph Maisey b. 1867 was my grandfather and lived at Fern Cottage from about 1900, raising a family of 10 children. I am trying to establish when this house was built, as I believe it was built for him personally. and wish to tie in this fact to his ’story’. I wonder if anyone is able to assist. Land registry can only say that the house was sold in 1930. He had an interesting life, starting as jockey/apprentice going on to publish Wiltshire Opinion. If anyone has any likely info., on this family I would be very grateful to hear it.
Susan Mansfield
Aug 4, 2013 at 10:58 am
please see comment just prior to this.
Susan Mansfield
Aug 4, 2013 at 11:04 am
Peter Brind. I too am descended from Brind family, my branch living in Aldbourne from 1580 and before. The next village, going over the downs. My great grandfather was Thomas Brind b. 1845 d. 1927 does this name figure in your tree in any way. Very interested to read that you have had a DNA test to suggest Celt…
Susan Mansfield.
Rose Marie
Aug 17, 2013 at 6:13 pm
Oh yay! I am happy to have found this site!
I know that my ancestor, James Low, was married to Elizabeth Selman May 11, 1799, Ogbourne St George, Parish of Preshute. What I am wondering is if the license of their marriage shows their parents names on it? My James was born 1768. And what is Preshute please?
This is so much fun! Thanks for any help you can give!
Rose Marie in NY
Keith Macdonald
Aug 18, 2013 at 10:48 pm
Hello Rose, Preshute is an old parish, just west of Marlborough.
John Pearson
Aug 23, 2013 at 9:07 pm
William James is described in a baptism record of 1804 as a mariner and native of Ogburn St George. Seems an odd occupation for someone born so far from the sea. Or is it not unusual in that area?
The baptism was in Sunderland, Co.Durham which then had lots of resident mariners.
Marilyn Iking (Cruse)
Sep 21, 2013 at 8:17 pm
I have just found this site and read the notes from Eric Leggett, Elizabeth Bond and Margaret Gibson. I am Mary Cruse’s first cousin 4x removed. If anyone with information on my ancestors are reading this, please contact me. Thanks.
Keith Macdonald
Sep 22, 2013 at 9:34 am
Hope you saw the notes from Sheryl Butcher as well, with regards to Mary Cruse and John Lee.
Erika Davey
Feb 27, 2014 at 9:02 am
I’m researching John Castle, who from the 1911 Census was a widower with 5 children, one of whom was my grandfather Kenneth Henry Mayland Castle. John Castle was a carter and his residence listed as Bytham Farm, Ogbourne St.George, Marlborough. Apart from his birth date of 1875, I haven’t any other details about him except that in his younger days, he was a Police Constable living in Bremhill, Wiltshire (1901). Any info would be very much appreciated.
Marilyn Iking
Mar 22, 2014 at 8:27 pm
In my tree, I have John Lee (1812) married to Mary Cruse. I also have a John Lee married to Dinah Cruse (1833) daughter of Thomas Cruse and Dinah Lye. Who is the second John Lee? parents, birth etc. Thanks.
M Gibson
Mar 22, 2014 at 8:46 pm
According to their Parish Register entry for marriage of John LEE Dinah CRUSE – 28 Dec 1852 in Marylebone, London – John’s father was called John LEE. John was a general dealer at the time of his marriage & his father John was a labourer.
I have no further information on either of them. Dinah CRUSE was my 2x Great Aunt.
Marilyn Iking
Mar 22, 2014 at 8:52 pm
Thank you.
Mandie Hawkins
Mar 25, 2014 at 4:55 am
Hello, have traced my family tree to Ogbourne, looking for information about Richard Bennett and Susanna Bennett (nee Hunt) m1677 they had children, Elizabeth b1679 and Charles b1678. Richard and Susanna are my 8th Great Grandparents. Any further family information would be gratefully recieved.
Greg Fox
Mar 28, 2014 at 11:42 pm
Hello all. I am tracing my family tree and filling in some blanks. According to records my grand father (Edwin Fox) lived in or near Ogbourne St George. His address at 1881 was listed as High Street Cottage and I was told that he was the gameskeeper on the Melish (sp?) Estate. I cannot find that address (the cottage) nor any information on the alleged estate. We have also not found history of where the other members of the family moved. Edwin was 3 in 1881 according to the census. Please feel free to email me with any information at We are hoping to visit the area in mid June of this year and will also appreciate guidance on where we might find records of the area for the family.
Thank you very much – I don’t include telephone info as we are in Canada.
Keith Macdonald
Mar 30, 2014 at 10:00 am
Did you find a number for the High Street Cottage?
You might find more on the Mellish family in the Wiltshire Archive.
The manor of Badbury in Chiseldon is just three/four miles north of Ogbourne St.George.
Greg Fox
May 22, 2014 at 10:54 pm
Thank you Keith. I viewed the sites you mention and do not find anything that appears related to my search.
In the census there is no number given, just that it is a cottage on High St. I have also found recently that I had the wrong spelling of the name of the estate, and was corrected but I cannot put my finger on that piece of paper right now but will include it later.
We will be in Ogbourne St. George on the 28th of May, perhaps we will see you then?
Lynda Bailey
Oct 26, 2014 at 1:10 pm
Any information on the Bailey family – John, born 1806 at OSG, father of Sebina, Lucy, David and William, all born in OSG, grandfather of Frank, born 1884 OSG?
Mandie Hawkins
Nov 12, 2014 at 11:57 am
I am looking for information about Richard Bennett and Susanna Bennett (nee Hunt) m1677 they had children, Elizabeth b1679 and Charles b1678. Richard and Susanna are my 8th Great Grandparents. Any further family information would be gratefully recieved.
Mandie Hawkins
Nov 12, 2014 at 11:58 am
I am looking for information about Richard Bennett and Susanna Bennett (nee Hunt) m1677 children, Elizabeth b1679 and Charles b1678. Richard and Susanna are my 8th Great Grandparents. Any further family information would be appreciated.
Jan 19, 2015 at 2:17 am
Trying to find a long lost friend – Janis Nightingale, who lived in Ogbourne St.George in the 1960s.She trained as a nurse in Salisbury/Odstock hospital.She attended Marlborough Grammar School; was very sporty and a wonderful friend.I moved and lost touch. Can any one help please?
Feb 15, 2015 at 11:37 am
Hi All,
I’ve been researching my BRUNSDEN line in Chiseldon and Ogbourne St George for a number of years, and just discovered this great site.
I have traced them back to early 1600s and happy to share my work with anyone interested.
Yvette Harris
Mar 5, 2015 at 9:35 am
I am looking for Cruse in ogbourne St George Wiltshire…Charles, Elisha, Thomas, John. I have gone back to 1770…these are my GGGG GRANDPARENTS…MY GRANDFATHER WAS BERTIE LIONEL CRUSE.FROM ISLINGTON..I THINK ELISHA CRUSE.FIRST CAME TO ISLINGTON. If you know any of these please email me.
Thank you
Yvette Harris mothers name Cruse.
Keith MacDonald
Mar 26, 2015 at 10:29 pm
@Yvette – sorry I don’t have your email, but I will mention your message to the Cruse / Lee / Leggetts I know in Australia.
Yvette Harris
Mar 26, 2015 at 10:59 pm
Hi Keith..I was very surprised to find your comment. Are you connected to the Cruse’s in Ogbourne St George?..if you want to message me on Facebook my Facebook name is Yvette Antignolo Harris..I am really interested in speaking with you.
Yvette Harris
Mar 26, 2015 at 11:47 pm
Keith mac Donald…my Email Adress is if you want to contact me.
Joannah Crawford
Apr 1, 2015 at 2:25 pm
Can anyone help me with any History or any knowledge of John (Jack) Rose & Edith May Rose. Owners of the New Inn in the early 1900’s
Edith played the Grand Piano in the New Inn while customers enjoyed their tipple!!
On the 29th April 1934 my Mother Janet Rose was born at the New Inn. She had an older Sister Kathleen. My Grandmother died early 1950’s and I think is buried in the Churchyard at Ogbourne Church. We have been twice to find her grave to tend to it with no luck. Unfortunately my Mother Janet Crawford (Nee) Rose died on the 6th March this year. We came as a Family to place her ashes in the Church yard on Sunday 29th March.
Any information even small snippets will be grateful. Thank you.
Keith MacDonald
Apr 5, 2015 at 10:51 am
Joannah, have you seen the church warden’s contact details?
They may be able to help with the churchyard records.
Peggy Boyles
May 28, 2015 at 2:10 pm
I am researching the Boyles family history. I have a Thomas Henry Boyles born 10th February 1891 Ogbourne, baptism 5th April 1891 St George Ogbourne son of Henry & Julia Annie Betts, he died in the 1st World War 18th November 1917, I have a photo of his grave, but his name seems not to be on the War Memorial to the fallen.
May 28, 2015 at 8:55 pm
Sadly cant help with the Boyles family. But might be able to help with WW1 question do drop me a line
Peggy Boyles
May 29, 2015 at 9:05 am
Hi Judy Thank you for getting back to me. Thats no problem with the Boyles family line, have been researching since 2003, so I am quite advanced. It is sad to see that his name is not on a War Memorial, that I can find whilst researching. I will put the info that I am aware of.
Thomas Henry Boyles born 10th February 1891, bapt 5th February St George Ogbourne Wilts, he was the son of Henry Boyles (1856 Charlton Northamptonshire-1928 Marlborough Wilts) & Julia Annie Betts (1862-1928)
UK Soldiers died in the Great War 1914 -1918
Thomas Henry Boyles
Born Ogbourne St George Wilts
Death 18th November 1917
Death Place France & Flanders
Enlistment Swindon
Rank Private
Regiment Labour Corps
Regiment No 09670
Type of Casulty-Died of wounds
Theatre of War-Western European Theatre
Comments- Formerly 22900 Wilts Regt
Burial place-Ypres (leper) West flanders (West Vlaanderen) Belguim
Solferino Farm Cemetery Plot No II B 5
Thomas Henry married 27th May 1916 to Eleanor Mary Gutridge at the Register Office Swindon.
john reeves
Sep 5, 2015 at 9:43 am
i am researching the reeves family and have found widespread connections with Wiltshire..
Ogbourne st George being one of many locations
i am looking for absolutely any information on my family who i have found as being born here around the 1820s
susanna 1819 died un married wooton bassett 1886
caroline 1820 as above but died 1889
william bevan [my direct line ancester] 1822 died swindon 1901
lucy 1823 died unmarried 1849 melksham
sarah ann 1832 born in hawkeridge died 1900 wooten bassett
mary jane 1834 died 1855 melksham un married
John no information…
thei parents were
william reeves born drayton foliat 1786 died tockenham 1839
ann beavan born 1797 melksham
died 1874 tockenham [buried inmelksham]
if there is any thing else out there or any one with a connection i would love to find out more
Melina Tame
Nov 19, 2015 at 11:00 pm
Attention Susan Mansfield:
I am looking for information on Percival George Maisey and his family. Percival moved to Australia from England and become good friends with my grandfather. When he passed away Percy left behind some photos of his family, I would love to find out more about his family and pass these photos on.
I believe his father was William Joseph Maisey.
Any information that you have would be great.
Kind regards, Melina Tame
Susan Mansfield
Nov 20, 2015 at 11:27 am
Hi, Melina,
I have some good news for you in that I am a niece of Percy Maisey, my father being Sydney Charles but always known as Peter. Father was the slightly younger brother who went to Australia with him. I have information going reliably back to 1771 with Maisey and further back with Florence Bush with quite an interesting detail about Queen Anne’s court, etc.., Would be delighted to have the photographs which I would share, digitally somehow, with some cousins who also research our Tree. Offspring of Harold, Florence Clarence and Frank. There were 10 children in all. do you happen to be with Ancestry UK? could share all info., that way if so.Father used to mention a Frank McKechney it would be just great if this was your grandfather.!! Hope to ‘hear’ from you soon. Susan Mansfield nee Maisey
Melina Tame
Nov 20, 2015 at 12:24 pm
Thats great news i believe there are some photos of a “Suzie” as a child, which i am assuming would be yourself. My grandfather was Kenneth John “Johnny” Petersen from Yandaran. Percy actually had a road named after him in Yandaran QLD call Maiseys Road.
I am not member of any groups but your more then welcome to email me and i will send you photos and any information you would like to know.
My email is:
Mandie Hawkins
Nov 20, 2015 at 9:38 pm
Hello, still hoping someone may have any information for me. Have traced my family tree from Australia to Ogbourne, looking for information about Richard Bennett and Susanna Bennett (nee Hunt) m1677 they had children, Elizabeth b1679 and Charles b1678. Richard and Susanna are my 8th Great Grandparents. Any further family information would be gratefully received.
Roger Low
Nov 30, 2015 at 5:59 pm
It’s a long shot, but back in 2013 Rose Marie in NY wanted information on James Low of Preshute, Marlborough. He was my 4 x Great grandfather, and I have extensive research available. Did Rose Marie leave an email address?? James married Elizabeth Selman from Ogbourne St’George in 1799, her father Isaac Selman was a yeoman farmer. If anyone wants, I have some information on the Selman’s, but not much. Roger.
Rose Marie in NY
Dec 2, 2015 at 3:14 am
Here I am Roger Low! I would love to compare notes as I got quite a bit of info also. rosenwalt333 @ gmail .com (but with no spaces)
Jun 17, 2016 at 3:00 pm
Hi, just stumbled across this site. BRilliant! Am researching the Lee family and have emailed Eric Leggett via the MacDonalds, thank you.
I would also like some information about Patience Bailey, if anyone has anything. She was the first wife of Charles Lee (b: 13.10.1811 OSG), married 14.7.1838. Her parents were William and Mary Bailey. Charles’ parents were William Lee and Anne Cole. Poor Patience must have died soon after the marriage because Charles appears to have married Priscilla Parrott/ett in 1842. Any information gratefully received.
Mike Joyce
Jul 25, 2016 at 6:49 pm
Researching family history – Grans name Frances Looker born in area 1891, father Isaac Looker born in mid 1800’s, lots of other connections with Looker’s living in area I am interested in finding out whether there are any Looker’s on 1st WW village memorial or any Looker’s living in the area?
Sally Greaves
Jan 13, 2017 at 10:54 pm
I am looking for information and I have information on the Cruse family and the Bailey/Bayley/Baily family. James Cruse ((1840) is my 2x great grandfather. His father John Cruse (1807) married Mary Bailey (1807), his father I think, John Cruse (1770) and Elizabeth Dennis (1779) and Robert Bailey’Baily who married Sarah Miller/Mills in 1798. All of them are from Ogbourne St. George I believe.
elizabeth gmir
Feb 11, 2017 at 4:59 pm
Sally Greaves in my exs tree Ive got him back to Sarah Cruse marrying a Charles Willmot in 1837. There has to be a Bailey connection as it appears in a later generation as a middle name as does Cruse. Any help would be super.
Yvette Harris
Feb 13, 2017 at 12:26 am
- my mum is a cruse our family came from OSG.. my grandad is Bertram cruse his father Charles and Charles father was Elisa I go back to 1700. Would be nice to hear from you if there is a connection I think it was Elisa that moved from OSG to Islington London where all my family lived we were farmers in OSG then railway workers In London.
Yvette Harris
Robin Widdowson
Jun 19, 2017 at 3:23 pm
Does anybody know anything of EMMA FAVELL who in April 1884 was sent aged 18 to be a general servant to a Mrs Pine of THE VICARAGE, Ogbourne St George? I can’t find any Pines in the village in the 1881 census, nor in 1891, nor any Favell. Maybe Pine was Payne, as I can see there were several then in the village. Emma had come from the Mueller Orphanage in Bristol – her father (my g g grandfather) Charles Favell had died young, of TB. She was born in Rotherham in about 1866.
I’d appreciate any leads any one can suggest. Many thanks, RW
Henrike Huetter
Aug 23, 2017 at 11:53 am
I am in search of my forfathers of the Heyers family. As I read in a digital research programme my forfather Vincenty Heyers is perhaps descending of Ogbourne St. George. Perhaps you have some further informations concerning this family. It would be very interesting, if they are descending of the Hay-Clan. (hey, hey :-). Thank you in advance for some further informations. Kind regards Henrike